Nov 7, 2011

Friday Rid N.V. Chapter.

Occupy Trails.

What is a Friday Ride? It really depends who you ask I suppose…

If you want to get philosophical about it, what is anything? Like what if I asked you last year what the word ‘occupy’ meant? You may have had a different answer then, from the the one you have now, or will have a year from now.

Whether your asking me or not – here is my answer to the first question...
A Friday Ride is Chromag Bikes.

Poppa Ritz who owns Chromag Bikes is also the ringleader in a peculiar club of mountain bike riders in Whistler who try hard to make themselves free to go play on Fridays. It began about 13 years ago as a simple thing; get a group together on (every) Friday and ride mountain bikes. It would be easy to interject “Fight Club” references here but I won’t.

Too many stories could be written about any one Friday Ride of the past 13 years.
Friday Rides require a host that is usually nominated by someone within the circle. The host has to provide a place for everyone to gather on Friday morning. The host has to prepare a good breakfast for the riders. The host can delegate to other riders to bring ingredients for the breakfast. The breakfast must be satisfying and keep the riders going on the epic journey that lies ahead. The host holds the right to choose the adventure of the day – usually epic.

Just this past weekend we had the 3rd Annual Steve Mitchell Fall Classic Friday Ride in North Van. NORTH VAN!

N.V. is sacred.

Mitchell's Friday Rides always attract a thick list mtb heads - Olympians, Mtb hall of famers, pro lensemen, shop owners and of course the regular every Friday Ride character(s).

When Mitchell hosts – we are guaranteed a great breakfast, great N.V. trails and a great post ride Apres. This past weekend we were treated to a lovely casserole of bacon/eggs/cheese (and I'm not sure what else) with Corn Flakes baked on top. Awesome.

Friday rides are a time to be in the woods, to be with friends and really just get down to it and have a lot of fun. We often look forward to these rides to test a new product, ride a recently overhauled bike or to just put the hurts on one another.

These are the good times, and we are having them - thanks Mitchell for a another good one!

Our host has a legit Mtb. Museum.sick

lotta dudes ready(20).

BMX track suprise roll through on the way to the loam!

AAHH! loam.

Dingo outlasts all.

Our Host Mitchell.

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